Accessing Your Notifications

How to access your notifications in Tablecloth.

Notifications in Tablecloth keep you informed about important activities and updates. Whether it's a task assignment, reminder, feedback, or available deliverable, notifications ensure that you never miss a critical event. 

Step 1: Click on the notification bell to see all messages and alerts relevant to you. 

Step 2: Clicking on a notification tile will direct you to where you need to go.

Step 3 (optional): Click “Mark all as read” to move all of your Unread notifications to the Read tab.  

accessing notifications

Note: When you click on a notification you will be navigated away from your current page and the notification will move from your Unread notifications to your Read notifications. 

For users who have access to multiple workspaces, such as LPs and GPs, clicking on notifications will automatically switch workspaces for you.